Icecream Man Sounds Sad
In the days leading up to Phoenix’s passing, she was just starting to notice the strange music that didn’t seem to have a source. The first time she looked around to see which one of her toys went ‘off’. We pushed several so she would start playing with them. The second time she was eating […]
Things you don’t realize are a thing, until they are gone.
1.) Walking out the front door. Before children you have no idea how easy it is to walk out your front door. It never crosses your mind that it takes parents at least 10 minutes (I am being generous here) to gather all the ‘stuff.’ By stuff I mean ‘the bag’. Which is filled with […]
Weekend at Table Rock Lake
Trying my hand at something new. Letters to Phoenix. Dear Phoenix, Mommy and Daddy went to Table Rock Lake this weekend to celebrate Grandma Sally’s birthday. We were so excited for you to go on this trip! You were finally going to be able to show off your swimming skills to Daddy. You were going […]
Happy 20 Month Birthday!
In honor of Phoenix turning 20 months today here are 10 facts about her. 1. She had crazy hair, and I mean crazy. It was long (past the middle of her back), it was uncontrollable and she hated it brushed. But, it was oh so cute! 2. She would show off for her O.T. Whenever […]
How are you feeling?
Raw. Vulnerable. Scared. Angry. Unimaginably Sad. Lonely. Confused. Bored. Lost. People mean well when they ask “how are you feeling/doing?” It’s drilled into to us to be polite and ask this simple question. It is also drilled into us to give a ‘polite’ answer like ‘good’ or ‘fine’. But, when you have lost somebody so […]
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