An Over-due Update (part 2)
Phoenix had to spend 3 weeks in her casts. She got around pretty well in them. We have hardwood floors so it was pretty easy for her to drag herself to get where she wanted to go. She would put one arm in front of the other, so you would hear clunk clunk, clunk clunk of the casts.
Phoenix didn’t sleep well in her casts. We tried putting to sleep on her back, belly and side. Poor thing just couldn’t get comfy! During the 3 weeks Phoenix developed a cold, her first ear infection and started to teeth! Thankfully, the weeks went by fast and before I knew it it was time to get those bad boys off!! We were able to get the casts off in Kansas City.
Phoenix is just now starting to use her fingers. I think she was just use to scooping things or using two hands to pick something up, that she just kept doing it. Her OT has her practicing pinching with small plastic bears, which she has so much fun with!
While we were in Boston, we had the opportunity to meet more of our Apert family. I really love meeting other families. It lets me know that we are not alone in this journey. There are others who share a common path, and can understand what we go through.
Like I said in part 1 it has been A LONG time since I have written. Since then Phoenix is standing next to furniture like a pro! Before her surgery she was starting to cruise. About 1 week after her casts came off she was back to her furniture cruising self. A few days a go she started pushing around the foot stool across the living room.
Phoenix has a cousin that is 3 months older than her. They are just now able to actually play together, and by play I mean play with their own toys next to each other and occasionally acknowledge that the other one is in the same room . . . by stealing toys.
“Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you!” ~ Dr. Seuss
Gayle Reagan
August 30, 2013Thank you Beth, it’s so rewarding to see your love and devotion to your beautiful special daughter. I pray that God will continue to bless your family and give you strength to deal with whatever comes your way.
Love and Hugs,
Chris McTeer
August 30, 2013Absolutely awesome, glad to see her doing so well. She is an inspiration to us all! Hope to see all of you again soon!
Take Care,
The McTeer’s
Diana Bouillon
August 31, 2013I love the one where she is looking out the window.