Swim Lessons
Hey! Phoenix here! Last week I started swim lessons! THEY ARE AWESOME! I go with some friends from play group, and it’s like a big party…but in the WATER! I love everything about it. We sing songs and play games. Mom-mom says I’m one of the loudest ones in there, squealing with delight.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
Hey! Phoenix here, so today is apparently St. Patrick’s Day. I don’t know what that means, but I do know that Mom-mom tried to put a hat on me. Oh, I smiled for the picture, but secretly I was thinking of ways to get rid of the hat.
Phoenix Here!
Hey! Phoenix here! So Mom-Mom hasn’t written in a long time, so I decided to write a post for her. She was talking today about needing to write more, and even letting me have my own post once a week! So here goes the first of my very own post. I thought I would show […]
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