CT Scan

Posted by on Jan 2, 2013 in Update | One Comment
CT Scan

Phoenix had a CT scan this morning. It took me and the technician awhile to calm her down, but we did it!! After her scan we met with her crainofacial surgeon who looked at her scans then proceeded to tell me “Either there is space in her skull for her brain to grown or there is water on her brain, but I can’t read this so go to the neurologist.” So, I sent to the neurosurgeon (on the opposite side of the hospital). Once there I was told to go back to plastics (this is where the crainofacial surgeon is). It gets better!! Again, I was told to go back to the neurosurgeon – then back to plastics. Oh yeah. It happened. I even had them call the verify I was supposed to go back each time. I am sitting in the plastics waiting room, very frustrated, when the nurse comes out and tells me that the neurosurgeon doesn’t see clinics at this location and only on Tuesdays! What!?

1 Comment

  1. Jen Tufts
    February 19, 2013

    AP told me this story a week or two ago and I couldn’t believe it. I’m so sorry you had this experience. Thankful you have other options. Praying for you to find a team that makes you feel supported and earns your confidence.


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