Happy 20 Month Birthday!

Posted by on Jun 5, 2014 in Life After Phoenix | 8 Comments

In honor of Phoenix turning 20 months today here are 10 facts about her.

1. She had crazy hair, and I mean crazy. It was long (past the middle of her back), it was uncontrollable and she hated it brushed. But, it was oh so cute!

It's so curly!

It’s so curly!

2. She would show off for her O.T. Whenever Cindy came over, Phoenix would start running around, squealing with delight. She would finish her exhibition with a modified army crawl where she would keep her little booty as high in the air as possible.

3. Phoenix was terrified of a real cow sound and the cow at Chic-Fil-A. Regardless, she had mastered ‘What does the cow say?’

4. To Phoenix. grass, flowers and mulch (basically all flora) were her mortal enemies. As long as they didn’t bother her, she wouldn’t bother them.

Don't you dare move me off this blanket!

Don’t you dare move me off this blanket!

5. She LOVED her swim lessons. At her last lesson, I set her on the gutter (she was sitting) and told her to jump to Mommy. She did, and she loved it.

6. She had the best smile in the world.

You would never guess that she was actually sick when this was taken.

You would never guess that she was actually sick when this was taken.

7. She could be a little stinker. One day I told her not to touch a lamp wire, she looked at me and put her feet on the wire. Or, if I heard her in the kitchen, in a cabinet she wasn’t supposed to be in, I would start walking toward the kitchen only to hear the cabinet door slam shut and the scurry of little feet.

8. Her lullabies were renditions of Beatles songs.

I'm Only Sleeping.

I’m Only Sleeping.

9. She was determined to pick the cat up. Even, if the cat was half her weight.

The beginning of a beautiful friendship.

The beginning of a beautiful friendship.

10. Phoenix loved to read. She would sit for several minutes at a time, just looking at her books.

Our Little Bookworm

Our Little Bookworm


  1. Ellen Bohac
    June 6, 2014

    I love the beautiful stories of her life, she was one happy baby. The pictures are awsome!

  2. Sally Coleman
    June 6, 2014

    Thanks for sharing this today. I have been thinking about Phoenix all day and loved these fun facts! ( and the pictures of course)

  3. George start
    June 6, 2014

    So cool. I miss seeing her smile. I think I would totally agree with #6 always loved seeing her pictures smiling at me on my computer or phone.

  4. Denise
    June 6, 2014

    Such a beautiful and inspiring little princess. In our thoughts Beth. Xxx

  5. Tina Zangara-Sutton
    June 6, 2014

    So many cherished memories! Even though I never had the pleasure of meeting Phoenix face-to-face, seeing her photos and reading tidbits about her, makes her and her life more real. What a blessing she was to so many! Thank you for sharing Beth.

  6. Margaret Meder
    June 7, 2014

    Thank you for this awesome post. It gives us all strength to see your words and pictures. What a cutie, darling, absolutely darling.

  7. April Mitchell
    June 7, 2014

    I really enjoyed reading this! Loved the pics too. So precious!

  8. Kathryn McDermott
    June 11, 2014

    Oh how I smile through the tears at reading this Beth! We were honoured to be part of yours and Phoenix’s lives! Sending so much love xxx


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