
Posted by on Apr 24, 2013 in Update | 3 Comments

I am a big time procrastinator. Like right now….I should be packing for Boston, but instead I find my self researching about Jochebed. Who is Jochebed you might wonder? Glad you asked!!! She is Moses’ mommy. Over the past year I have heard two sermons about Jochebed, which is pretty remarkable considering she is a biblical character that often gets over looked. I heard one sermon while I was still prego and the other a couple weeks ago. The first sermon I was crying like a baby because our pastor painted a beautiful picture of Jochebed, weaving the basket that she would place her 3 month old son in. Trusting in God when she placed that basket which held one of her most precious possessions in the Nile River. My thought then was I could never do that. I could never trust to place my child in the unknown.  Little did I know.

The second sermon was just as powerful. Jochebed hid Moses until she no loner could. Then she weaved a basket, placed Moses in it and trusted God that He would provide and protect Moses. She had faith that He would . . . she sent her daughter to watch over the basket. Pharaoh’s daughter found Moses and fell in love with the little baby!  Moses got the best of both worlds! He was able to be nursed by his mother; she was able to teach him about God and history of the Israel. He was also raised in the palace of the most powerful kingdom of the time!  This would not of been the case if Jochebed had not had faith to do what she did. Moses grew up to be one of the most important leaders in the Bible. Jochebed stands as a reminder to parents that we should not lose faith in God that He will work in the lives of our children.

I feel like I can relate to Jochebed. I am taking care of Phoenix as long as I can. But, the day will come when I will have to place her in the hands of a surgeon. I have to have faith that these choices that I am making for her are the best. I can not lose faith that God will work in her life. I may not see what He has her do . . . I am learning to be okay with that.

12 days old

12 days old


  1. Diana Bouillon
    April 24, 2013

    I loved the Jochebed story. You are a great Mom! Phoenix is a lucky girl to have such loving parents & extended family. I’ve been reading your blogs and looking at her pictures. She is growing and I love her smile. Love, Aunt Diana

  2. Ruth
    April 25, 2013

    God’s word is full of His inspiration to all of us at different times in our lives. He has promised that when we need it, He will give us what we need to walk through those circumstances. We pray that God will continue to give you the encouragement as you face the coming days. He has blessed you with such a precious happy little girl. His plan for her (Psa. 139:16 ) probably isn’t what you would have chosen but God is so faithful to bless Phoenix and use her life to bless others and bring Him glory. Keep your eyes on Him. You are doing a great job!

  3. Debbie Kanofsky
    April 25, 2013

    Beth you are so growing in the Lord Thank you for sharing the story of .Jochebed. We never know how our children are to be placed. The story of Jochebed weaving a basket with so much love is amazing. Phoenix is so blessed to have wonderful parents like you and Luke. She has the light of Christi shining through her smile. I see that everytime I look at her. We will be praying for you, Luke and Phoenix.

    Love, Aunt Debbie


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